Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 2

I really hope I stay diligent, in terms of keeping up with this blog.

So there was a HUGEEEE snow storm that hit today (early am until afternoon). Needless to say I worked from home. It was nice to stay in, but man oh man was I being tempted by food. I want to snack here and there sooooo badly. It was frustrating. My review of Nutrisystem thus far will be in my 'Week 1: Complete' post, look for it! But, what I have learned thus far on this program is that food has been such a central focus in my life. I mean I knew this, but it's just pure affirmation again. I eat when I'm happy/sad/mad/indifferent/bored/any other random emotion.

It will be hard, but I need to start seeing food as more fuel for my body than a reward. It's like that saying I eat to live, not live to eat. I'm such a foodie, so this will be a process and I realize that.

Afterall, NOTHING tastes as good as thin feels. (Well maybe some homemade tacos w/ beans & rice... pero, you know.)... haha, I have gotta learn to stop!

I pray that I wake up tomorrow morning determined to make it through while find the joy in these process.

Let's go Day 3...

P.S. Wish I was back in Tucson to have seen the memorial service that President Barack Obama spoke at. Glad some of my friends were able to experience it. :)

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