Saturday, January 29, 2011

Rough weekend...

 I will post more details later, but wanted to note that this weekend has been quite difficult.  I'd like to say that I've been strong-willed and yadda yadda.  This has not been the case. :-/ I will divulge in my next post, the weekend edition post.

Sneak peak: Not sure if any weight has been lost this week now, due to this weekend. :-/ epic fail. heh.


Erin said...

Hey you...any time things get difficult I'm just a phone call away. Don't let yourself be the victim of bad choices!!!

amdftw said...

It's tough girl! Don't beat yourself up over one bad weekend!

Sarah said...

hey, weekends are always tough for everyone. It's just too easy to overeat or eat poorly on them. Don't beat yourself up, just resolve to rock this week and then make a plan to rock next weekend.