The internet at my apartment building was going through an 'upgrade' process, only to find out that the new technology couldn't work in this ancient building. Ugh. So while I've been dying without internet access, I've been
DYING on this Nutrisystem.
Don't get me wrong, the food isn't terrible, per se, it's just small. As I've told many of my friends, the biggest downfall/advertising lie that NS presents is that it's simple and easy. It's not. You have to supplement with fruits, veggies, dairy, protein and carbs. All of those = even more out of pocket expenses. I thought I was a friend of veggies, clearly I'm not. I used to eat virtually none, no salads, nada. This is forcing me to eat mah greens and it's a good thing, I must say.
So Tuesday (1/18/11) made an entire week down of my new 'lifestyle change'. I went from 267 to 258.8... an
8.2lb weight loss. Now I'm sure a lot of that is water weight, but I'm taking those numbers and running with 'em! hahaha.
Each day is a struggle and it will continue to be. Trust me, today I went to Wally World (Walmart) after work to pick up:
-Seltzer water
-Salad mix
That wasn't my entire list going in, but that's what I bought. I was thissssss close to buying a juicer. If anyone wants to donate to the Augustina Fund, feel free... I'll give you my acct # for money depositing! ;)... but if you know of a great brand at a decent price, DO let me know. It might make my life less boring in terms of getting my fruit & veggie daily intake. Moreoverrr, I was also
this close to picking up a 6" subway sandwich meal. I was at the checkout aisle and my GOSH could I smell that dang bread... I wanted to cry. I was having such an internal battle, people probably saw me and thought I was like Sybil... :-/
Whatta mess, but I didn't give in! And that was a big win for me at the end of the day. :) I resisted the temptation and did not let my urges get the best of me.
Well, I hope to be blogging regularly since the internet is now working. I will soon post a video that I made at the end of 2010. Look for that in the next post or two.
Until then, here's to praying that I have a good weekend (alcohol free, w/ no cheating).
Thank God tomorrow's Friday!