Monday, August 1, 2011

First Day Back & 5 Things

Today was a toughy...

I was gung ho about getting back into the swing of my bachelorette life and got into work to only realize I left my lunch w/ my bfast and lunch inside the fridge.  Now I normally would've said, 'eff it', I'll start tomorrow... but I backed that truck up and thought 'Ah hell nah, now it's time to put my true skills to the test'.  With my knowledge of eating well that I've gained from past experiences, I knew exactly what to do and eat off the fly when buying at my work's cafeteria.

Had some oatmeal, added 1 packet of sugar

And for the first time, I actually bought a salad at the cafe.  I've NEVER done that... and I found it quite enjoyable.  It's great knowing that the salad wasn't treacherous, but was quite delightful (since I never usually eat salads, I tend to avoid them at all costs).  Soooo, I ate well and didn't snack on vending machine foods or anything for that matter.  What a test of a day to start out the week, no?

Continuing, I tried the YWCA and I liked it.  I wasn't too excited that I had to wait to use an elliptical, but we'll see.  I'm going to go back to the gym at my work tomorrow and take my first Zumba class post-op.  We'll see how this goes... then I'm going to see about 'freezing' my membership.  Reason being, I'm going to sign-up for 6-weeks at the Y to see how it goes.  I mainly like the fact that the Y has a swimming pool and I know just how good swimming is for you and your joints, esp at my weight.

I shall see soon enough...

But now onto the 5 Things portion:

Sarah tagged me to do a five things you love about yourself. The idea is to write about 5 things that make you feel confident in yourself, be they mental or physical. This is not intended to be a brag session, just a way of putting some positive energy out into the universe. Here we go:

Augustina’s 5 Things:

  1. I love my eyes, they're probz my best feat.  Yes they're brown, like most people, but their shape is different.  I try to play them up when I do make-up because hey!, why not flaunt what your momma gave you?...err yeah...
  2. I am people person to the core.  I love people, I love all the different cultures this Earth has and I loveeeee talking and listening to what people have to say, especially in a One on One setting.
  3. I do believe I'm a genuinely good person.  I aim to please, and I want everyone to be happy... and while this does get me in trouble (esp. when ppl aren't happy), I care about how other ppl are feeling and perceiving in whatever is going on.
  4. I do like my sense of humor and enjoy my own company very much so.  
  5. I love my up and coming derriere.  I promise, I used to have the flattest pancake behind in the history of existence, but with those squats and lunges and uphill walking... this culo has and is becoming more bubbly w/ each squat. hahaa
I'm not sure I even follow 5 bloggers, but I'll tag whoevz I can...

Tag, you’re it!

  1. Yetti from And So She Writes
  2. Sara from Veggies For Real
Do it up!!

And I'm over & out.


Sarah said...

great list Tina! :) Love the revamp.

Yetti said...

No. 3, is so on point! I feel like you have always had my back though we didn't speak very often and I appreciate you so much for that :).

Starting over sucks... but when you start the weight loss journey over again with a new drive only GREAT results are to come. And your proved that when you forgot your lunch and still made moves in the right direction! One bodacious body coming up!!!

Augustina Mills said...

You kiddos are too kind :-D